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WST and other test equipment manufacturers have been developing test capabilities for the new beacons.
The rescue service was alerted after the vessel smashed into rocks and an emergency beacon (EPIRB) was activated.
MEOSAR platform offers nearly instantaneous detection and location, in some cases lessening the delay from hours to minutes.
The crew responded to a personal locator beacon, picking up a tramper from Top Misery Hut
406 MHz frequency Cospas-Sarsat beacons provide free access to the network and reliable emergency location services.
The 65-year-old was lauded for assisting his rescuers by sending out a distress signal utilizing a personal locator beacon.
The men and the 7y old boy also activated their emergency beacon about 11am and the police air wing unit was sent to search for the group.
The Sheriff's Office Marine Unit was able to locate them, thanks to the family's personal locator beacon.
Two were via locator beacon and the other was a phone call made by a woman who was lost and later lost phone reception.