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The vessel’s properly registered EPIRB provided accurate coordinates, enabling crews to pinpoint and reach these fishermen quickly.
During the search efforts the vessel's PLB was activated and crews from nearby stations could locate the casualty and bring them to safety.
When the boat’s emergency beacon was activated, the alarm immediately went off at the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre.
An activated EPIRB alerted Coast Guard District Seven watchstanders of the sailing vessel Malou’s distress.
Equipped with a GNSS receiver, the MT605G ensures precise location tracking, and improves visibility SAR operations.
The incident highlights the importance of having an EPIRB that is fully functioning and registered in the NOAA database.
The two men activated a personal locator beacon (PLB) to alert emergency services to their situation.
Of the 411 U.S. rescues last year, 318 people were pulled from the water, 41 were saved from aviation incidents and 52 were rescued on land.
Every ELT notification is treated as a real distress call until rescue personnel can confirm it is a false alert.