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After receiving the beacon’s signal, AMSA sent a rescue aircraft to the location and secured the assistance of a carrier ship.
Honolulu watchstanders engaged with Kiribati search and rescue team to offer assistance with locating a sailing vessel after an EPIRB activation.
The boaters were in the water for five hours, far off coast, before the Coast Guard rescued them after PLB activation.
The initial alert came from the vessel’s EPIRB. The rescue helicopter arrived on scene about 1.5 later and located the mariner.
AMSA detected the vessel’s emergency beacon tasking a rescue aircraft and two rescue helicopters to the scene.
As soon as the man overboard (MOB) distress call went out, at least three boats in the vicinity responded to offer assistance.
The family, which includes two adults and a child, activated a personal locator beacon, alerting emergency services to their situation.
Korea Coast Guard switched from a low-orbit satellite to a medium-orbit satellite earlier this year.
The vessels were tasked after an EPIRB was activated. The rescue crew found an overturned fishing vessel upon arrival.